Role of Family for the Mindset and Socialization

3 min readJan 13, 2022



It’s about the mindset of a person that will help them through every situation in life

A mindset of a person will always develop and evolve for as long as we are still alive and still socialize with other human beings, whether it’s with family, friends, or even strangers. In spite of that, the socialization by family is the most important for self and social concept of a person during childhood, specifically between 18 months and 7 years old, their social environment is key in the development of their mind. This will affect one’s social interactions in the later stage of life because that’s how others will see and respect us in the social ranking throughout our mindset, characteristics, and personalities, and vice versa. Ask yourself, how has your family upbringing impacted your mindset and social interactions?

In the stage of around 18 months, a person actively processes what they see and hear in their surrounding, we can call the first 18–24 months of a child as the imitation stage, Developmental psychologist Moritz Daum believe it is the moment where an action perception and interpretation early in life to understand others’ behavior, where they are actively processing what they see and hear in their immediate environment. a kid will do or say something they seen and heard everyday around them, therefore what the family said and do is the first response on how the kid will react which will form and assess our mindset to personality.

A person’s brain analyzes and processes the perception and interpretation of behavior as a part of a mindset of a person where it adapts and asses it as in personality, why? How the environment reacts/respond to something will be the first example of a kid on how they should reach/respond throughout something as well, for example how its environment controls their anger, patience, how they communicate with or without the kid around, how they show their personality to other people, will be an example for the kid under consciously while they develop their mindset on how they Should react and respond on how to solve a problem or in a certain situation, therefore the development of someone’s mindset could affect personality, and attitude/manner.

The family also socialize children into identifying four central mechanisms in early gender socialization from Ann Oakley book explain as in manipulation (encouraging behavior which seen as ‘normal’ for the sex), canalization (channeling children’s interests into gender-specific items and activities), verbal appellations (using gendered language) and different activities (encouraging kids to be involved in different activities to one another).

A personality of a person is formed when we are at the age of 3–5y.o, at this age we are showing and blooming our colors, at this stage family are responsible for teaching the basic norms and values of everyday life, culture, positive/negative consequences (such as rewards and punishments) to reinforce socially acceptable behavior. This process can set the characteristic for all future socialization, laying the foundations of an individual’s identity.

We will evolve and develop our mindset and personality, yet there’ll be a certain characteristic that will not go from our roots, and it can be a part of a formed as our principal. Therefore the role of a family is beyond important for our mindset on how to respond/react and our characteristics as human beings in how to adapt to the particular environment and also throughout our personality in how to become ourselves in around our environment and socialization in a good attitude and manners towards others.




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